Function's Definition
Functions are the named block of code that performs some action.
The statements are written in function are executed when it is called by name.
Each function has a unique name.
These are used to do similar kinds of tasks without writing them again and again.
The function provides a STRUCTURE PROGRAMMING.
- Easier to code
- Easier to Modify
- Less programming time
- Reusability
- Easier to maintain and Debug
Types of Functions:
- Built-in Functions
- User-define Functions
How To Write A Function
Function Definition:
"A set of statements that explains what a function does"
Function Definition can be written at the following places:
- Before main() function
- after main() function
- In a separate file
Syntax of Function consists of Function Header and Function Body.
1_Return -type Function-name (Parameters or arguments)
2_ {
statement 1;
statement 2;
statement 3;
statement N;
1_Function Header
2_Function Body
Examples of Function Header:
- int pak(int)
- int Return type
- pak() Function-name(Defined by user)
- (int) Parameter or argument
2. float ABC(void)
- float Return type
- ABC() Function-name(Defined by user)
- (void) Parameter or argument
Program 1:
int cube(int x) //Function Header
int y=x*x*x;
return y;
int cube(int); //Prototype of function
int a;
printf("Enter a Number for cube");
int c=cube(a); //Function call
printf("cube of number is %d",c);
Program 2:
void ABC()
int a;
printf("Programming makes Life Happy\n");
//This program will print 100 times 'Programming makes Life Happy'
good work